20 April 2010

Earth Day 2010

What are you doing for Earth Day 2010?

On Earth Day 2008 we did a clean-up and renovation of the Jiggs' Fitness Trail at work. Here are some pics:

Last year, for Earth Day 2009, we cleaned up Numazu Beach. Unfortunately we also found a dead body on the beach, so no pics!
Please, get out and do something for Earth Day 2010. Even if it is working in your garden, cleaning up the parking area at the boat launch, or volunteering with a big group, the most important thing is to do something!
See you in the woods!

Yamadori Mount

Finally got around to mounting the tail feathers from the nice Yamadori (Copper Pheasant) I took a few years back. They are now on our living room wall. The feathers stand 64cm (25 inches) above the plaque base!

Spring Planting...It Has Begun!

Finally, the snow is gone! Our last snow was Friday but the heavy rain overnight melted it and it was time to get up early Saturday and get planting! I ran the ko-unki (roto-tiller) through the main garden spot and hoed a few rows. With a little bit of guidance from my J-Mom, the Jagaimo, Mayqueen, and Cherie varieties are in the ground, 40 meters worth!

Asparagus! It will take 2 years to yield so it was time to get them in the ground. Planted them right next to the Asatsuki (transplanted from the yama last year) and the Ginger (should yield in 2-3 months).

Chibi-Chan picking tanpopo (dandelion), Note the winter gear: Yes, it is still in the single digits here!

50 meters of mixed wild flowers, Cosmos, Lavender, Sunflowers, and more! Hope this makes a nice view from the kitchen, attracts lots of bees for pollination throughout the farm, and nice flowers for cutting. Who knows, we may have enough to dry as well.