17 November 2009

Back Blogging!


It has been a horribly busy summer and I hope to resume blogging. I have a dozen emails in my inbox from folks wanting to talk about hunting in Japan and other Yabanjin stuff. I will try to get back to everyone in the next week or so (gomen na!). I have lots of news about the 'super house' and 'solunar tables' and much more!

The 2009-2010 hunting season has arrived. Opening day was Sunday 15 November. Our group could only manage to get 8 of us together and we conducted two hunts. We were very successful with Takanobu taking a huge Shika (he is sending the head to the taxidermist), and Kato taking a very big Inoshishi (Wild Boar)! These pictures are from my cell phone so please excuse the poor quality: